Are Nutritional Supplements Necessary?
Beach Metro Community News Our changing world There has been much controversy as to whether or not nutritional supplements such as vitamins and minerals are necessary and even safe to consume. Although many people already take nutritional supplements in the hopes of maintaining optimal health or to prevent/treat illness, there is still much confusion as […]
Winning the Fight against Fatigue!
Beach Metro Community News Do you often wake up feeling tired or even exhausted, no matter how much sleep you have had? Do you find yourself dragging your feet throughout the day with minimal energy to sustain you? Do you need to have that cup of coffee in order to “wake up”? If you have […]
Treating Heartburn Naturally and Effectively
Beach Metro Community News Many people have experienced – at one time or another – some degree of “indigestion” or “acid feeling” after having eaten a very large meal or after consuming foods that did not agree with them. However, for some people, the symptoms of “heartburn” or “acid reflux” can be a chronic, painful, […]
The Key to Successful Weight Loss
Beach Metro Community News Now that we are well into the new year, many of us are probably reflecting on all the new year’s resolutions that we have yet once again broken. For many of us, one of these resolutions was to lose weight. And we could have stuck to it, if it wasn’t for […]
Beach Metro Community News One of the most common problems that I hear from patients is that they do not get enough sleep. In many cases, this lack of sleep is by choice (staying up late to watch TV, going out with friends, etc.) however, for some individuals, sleep deprivation is not something they voluntarily […]
Hypothyroidism – An Often Underdiagnosed Condition
Beach Metro Community News Is Your Thyroid Underactive? Do you have some or all of the following symptoms: fatigue, allergies, depression, cold hands and feet, weight gain/inability to lose weight, thinning eyebrows, constipation, dry skin, forgetfulness, foggy thinking, irritability, joint pain, blood pressure problems, and/or headaches/ migraines, and yet all blood tests come back normal? […]
Healing Food Sensitivities : Addressing the Cause
Beach Metro Community News Food allergies and/or intolerances can be the cause of many symptoms/conditions that individuals suffer from every day. However, due to the fact that reactions to foods can present as a multitude of different symptoms (including: digestive problems, sinus congestion, headaches, joint/muscle pain, fatigue, and even depression), it is often overlooked as […]
Good Digestion Is Essential for Optimal Health
Beach Metro Community News As healthcare practitioners, some of the most common conditions we encounter are digestive disorders. Digestive complaints account for over 40% of patient visits to medical doctors every year. In my practice, I would estimate that 80 to 85% of my patients have some degree of digestive distress, ranging from gas, bloating, […]
Eczema Is Not Just Skin Deep
Beach Metro Community News Dry Skin or Something More Serious? During these winter months, one of the most common complaints is dry, itchy skin. This is usually due to the drier air and to the heating indoors. However, there is a more serious, chronic condition that is becoming more and more prevalent today. This condition […]
Boosting Your Immune System for Cold and Flu Prevention
Beach Metro Community News It’s that time of year again when we’re all faced with the increased possibility of catching the common cold or flu. For some of us, getting the cold or flu produces mild symptoms, but for others, it can lead to a serious sinus infection, bronchitis, or even pneumonia (especially in the […]